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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Key Business Success

       William A. Ward once said, "There are four steps to achieve success, the proper planning, good preparation, good execution, and not give up easily. "Use the philosophy of this Ward to be successful. Details are as follows:  
1.  Follow the changing times
Participate in organizations related to your business. Many
read and dig as much information as possible. Internet will be a lot
help you. 

2.  Create a financial plan
Record all income and expenditure every day. Create a target
short-term and long term. Never surrender conditions
finances to fate. Calculate carefully.

3. Estimate cash flows
You should be able to estimate cash flows, at least three months
front. Do not make budget spending more than that.

4. Form an advisory board or search experts, to give ideas, suggestions
or criticism of you and the products offered
They may be friends or a trusted family member.

5. Keep a balance between work, leisure, and family
No need to hurry, because something is done with the rash, the results
not be maximal. Moreover, the body and brain needs a rest.

6. Develop a network (network)
Harmless to meet and mingle with people who
related or can support your business. Who knew there was an idea that
can be extracted.

7. Discipline / motivation
Toughest aspect in running your own business is a discipline or
motivation to work regularly. To fix this, make a list of what should be done 

   today and tomorrow. Determine the targets to be achieved within this week.
8. Always be alert and ready
   Diligent to evaluate the market, products and systems marketing.  
   If necessary, change the way work more efficiently. Fix the way marketing 
   or product quality.  
9. Love your work
   How to be successful, if you do not have a "sense of belonging" on
   jobs and the resulting product. Love the work and the production itself,
   and the money will follow you.  
10. Do not give up easily
   The successful entrepreneur has ever failed. If you want fast
   successfully, immediately got up and learn from failure. Do not be sad
   too long, let alone give up.

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