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Friday, August 26, 2011

Top 10 Reasons Why Visitors Buy Your Product Reluctant

When you already have a product, when you are promoting all-out, when you've spread free product, why not just sell your product as well? What about why?
Many factors can affect the visitors not to buy your product. Sometimes even though they desperately need our products though, still many are reluctant to buy. I wonder what's wrong huh? Certainly there is nothing wrong in ourselves. Remember, the buyer is king, the buyer is never wrong. Well, if now you are not satisfied with your product sales, roughly what is wrong with your product?

Below I have 10 errors that may have you do with your website and your products. And this error is the reason why visitors are reluctant to buy your product.

Considered unsafe. You do not make visitors feel safe ordering your product. Buying via the internet is still seen as not real. Still many are suspicious of the safety factor. "Ah! It could be fraud. After I deposited the money, of which I know the product has been sent to me? Later when I list the email, lest I am flooded with spam. "The fix, put your identity clearly. So that they no longer hesitate. Also tell them that your email address as well as their personal information kept confidential.
Target visitors are not clear. You do not have targeted visitors who actually want to buy your product. One way of getting targeted visitors is to create a survey. The survey was able to detect what kind of customers who like your product. If you already know the picture of your customers, you can improve your advertising and marketing strategies.
No reminder to come back. You do not remind visitors that visit your website again at a later time. Rarely do people who buy on the first visit. People generally buy based on needs not wants. If at first you visit a website they do not need your product, then it is very maybe next time they need your product is. Well, it's important to remind them to come back to you. Well, the most effective way to make visitors always come back and get back to you is to attract visitors to want to sign up to receive your news letter regularly.
Not open. You do not tell anyone that you have a good business. In fact, we are more comfortable if you buy something from people we know. Is that correct? This should also apply to your business. Did not know it was love. If you do not publicize who you are, how would someone buy your product? To anticipate this problem you can add a section "About Us" on your web site. In this section you can enter your business history, your profile, and also your contact information. Make your visitors are familiar with, flirt them to buy new.
Web sites at random. You do not create a website that looks professional. Web sites are not professional example can be seen from the domain name. If you use a free domain name, you are certainly not serious about your business. Yes, your business will be branded a cheap, not prestigious. In addition, the website is not professional, use the navigation of complex and intricate enough to make visitors confused. The pictures are too excited, and not related to the theme of your website. So, be careful with the look of your website. Make it simple but comfortable on the eyes.
You did not say anything if you have a freebie. Show that you have a free product and explain it at the bottom of your ad. Make sure the words free pins in the eyes of visitors. That is, let visitors visit your website immediately. Since the free product is still a good attraction to attract visitors. Who would not want to try to get stuff for free?
There are no reservations and payment options. You do not give a lot of booking and payment options to visitors. As much as possible make it easy visitors in the ordering process. Make as much as possible the choice of ordering and payment. For example, accept payment by credit card, check, bank transfer, or cash. Moreover, not only accept orders via email, but also by telephone, SMS, and instant messenger.
You do not create compelling ads. Advertising has a strong magical power to attract visitors. Too bad if the headline that you make will not be able to attract your visitors. So, you should take advantage of advertising opportunities as possible. If you need to add testimonials and guarantees in all the ads you create. In order, the more confident in your visitors.
Did not improve copywriting. You do not test and improve your ad copywriting. Many advertisers do not realize that advertising the products they need refresher pairs. For too long put up the same ad can make visitors saturated. Try if you notice the ads on television. For one version of the product, we can see the variety of ads. And, within any given period has been replaced again with different commercials. But, this proved to be effective to influence viewers. People nowadays tend to get bored quickly, then we must anticipate and often test different ads. Each ad has a conversion rate that is different. Then you should not stop at just one ad. Frequently advertise and see which ads are most bring buyers.
There is no demand to buy. You do not urge buyers to immediately buy it now! Often people are interested in buying a product but they fail to buy. It could be due to forgetfulness, or because it has not felt the need. Well, to make an immediate purchase your product now as well, convince them that your products will only exist in a limited time. For example, "if you buy now, you will get a bonus of 10 e-books and 50% discount." Or, this particular product is only available until the 30th of this month, do not miss it! "

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