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Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Polishing Your Blog Brand?

You have a blog? If you have not and intend to create a blog, start to think about not just create a blog. But having a blog that her strong brand. If you already have a blog, never too late to start building brand your blog.
Why create a strong brand is important blog? In the midst of "wilderness" that contains millions of internet blogs, blogs that her only stronger brand that will always be remembered visitors, repeatedly visited by visitors, will be able to survive, and continue to wash the money. Brand that is what will strengthen the overall image of your blog. And branding is also the root of all your marketing activities.
So, what to do?

Branding blog includes many elements. All the elements that served to create a message or a special image in the minds of visitors. The elements include:

Niche, Targeting, Positioning. Try to answer the following questions. What is the content of your blog? How does your blog different from other blogs? Who are your target visitors? Have blog, you can "satisfy" your visitors? By answering these questions, you can know the topic of your blog, your visitors sasar target, and how your position in the eyes of your visitors.
Name of the blog. Use a unique name and in accordance with the purpose of your blog. Could for example your name, or name your blog niche, and perhaps also the most used keywords in your niche. But remember, the obvious name of your blog should be short, memorable, easy to pronounce, and represent yourself / your business. Another reference to the selection of the name of the blog can be read here.
Slogan. Had a slogan it is important to reinforce the message you want to convey through your blog. The principle of determination slogan reveal as much as possible the main features of your blog. If not, can also deliver benefits to be gained your blog visitors. The slogan that you create must be unique, powerful, and in accordance with the contents of your blog.
Logo. The logo is a crystallization of your blog is created in a visual form. Logo is one form of communication to the visitors of your blog. The logo is also a marker of blogs that have a message. Important to remember, is the message the logo is easily captured and your logo consistent with your slogan. Besides the logo, blog design is attractive and appropriate to the content of blogs can make your credibility increases.
Posting. Blog article also one important element of your blog. In the post, use appropriate language and fit your target audience and positioning must be considered.
All the elements are later served to establish brand your blog, which ultimately boils down to establish trust and build credibility your visitors. That your blog is the best place to find information about a topic. That you are an expert in that field.
Then, the brand is taking shape is then applied to the various marketing strategies to grow brand awareness. What are the marketing strategies used? Marketing strategies that you can do include a relationship with a fellow blogger, using direct mail to the subscriber of your blog, can make a training or seminar, form communities, and so forth.
If you do it correctly and consistently, guaranteed brand your blog will increase. And your blog is not just a mediocre blog.
Action and success will follow your actions ...

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